After your initial visit.

Your Home Care Exercises start here…

Your whole individualized exercise program is so important to getting the maximum benefits from the chiropractic spinal adjustments you are receiving.

These exercises are designed to help you maintain these adjustments. It is important to do all your exercises correctly.

Do not attempt these exercises until you've consulted with your healthcare provider first, to ensure they are safe and right for you.


Unpacking your home care equipment

Included in your package is the instruction sheet. Please ask if you are unclear on how to do your exercises properly! 204‑985‑6750.

Wobble Exercises

Warm up your spine on the wobble disk. Moving side-to-side, forward and backwards, and rotations.


Wall Traction Exercise

This cervical traction pull can be done 2 ways, and are for restoring your normal cervical motion.

Alar Ligament Exercise

This is an isometric exercise if you have instability in your upper cervical spine.


Cervical Flexion Exercise

While laying facedown, place your cervical roll under your eyebrows. Press straight down and hold.

Cervical Dorsal Exercise

This is a neck strengthening exercise to help tighten the muscles either on the right or left side of the neck. Place your hand on the side of your head, above the ear, while your head is in a neutral position. Slowly tilt your head to the side, like you are trying to bring your ear down to touch your shoulder, while resisting with your hand.


Cervical Extension Exercises

Interlace your fingers and bring them behind your head. Looking up, but against resistance.

Cervical Traction Pull

This cervical traction pull can be done 2 ways, and is for restoring your normal cervical motion.


Praying Mantis Exercises

Put your hands together and elbows together. Lift as high as you can, and as hard as you can. Start out at about 45 seconds.

Psoas Stretch

This is a muscle stretching exercise. With your leg raised, leaning forward and head up (good posture), now stretch that muscle and hold.


Lumbar Extension Exercises

This exercise will help increase the curve in your back. In a seated position, grab your knees and pull, increasing the arch in your back. Hold for 45 seconds, increasing to a minute and a half.

Passive Molding

This exercise helps take the rotation out of the pelvis. Start out to what you can tolerate. You do not go past any pain or discomfort. The maximum amount of time on these wedges is 20 minutes.


Progressive Cervical Rolls

This cervical roll (the larger of the two rolls) is designed as a sleeping aide. You should try to start out for about 20 minutes for this, then hopefully you will eventually be able to fall asleep on the roll.

Progressive Lumbar Rolls

This lumbar roll (the smaller of the two rolls) is also designed as a sleeping aide. You should try to start out for about 20 minutes for this, then hopefully you will eventually be able to fall asleep on both the cervical and lumbar rolls.


If you are unsure if you are performing these exercises correctly, please let us know on your next visit and we will go over them with you.